
Executive Summary

Conventional farming practices use a chemical-based, machinery-dependent, manpower intensive approach to feeding our global population. This prevailing system is unsustainable and bound to exhaust itself as it attempts to address the needs of the future. Traditional farming techniques are becoming inept, using a field density of less than 1 plant per square foot and wasting about 83% of the water used. Simply stated, our food chain must be repaired if we are to address our world's increasing demand for the freshest, cleanest, and healthiest foods available. Alternative systems that are environmentally responsible, sustainable and profitable must be used to improve, or replace, current farming techniques.

GreenWheel Gardens can produce crops at 4-6 times the current density rate in underutilized urban building and warehouse space. Our method uses a fraction of the energy and water that traditional farming practices use. Our adoption of an urban setting for growth significantly reduces transportation costs. Our essential commitment to efficiency provides high produce to profit ratios. Our holistic approach to the 'seed to table' journey distinguishes our model from that of our competitors.

GreenWheel Gardens converts unoccupied warehouse space to an controlled environment agricultural site that grows fresh, genuinely healthy and leafy produce for local markets and restaurants. We have eliminated the mandate for bio-engineered crops that are full of chemicals and pesticides. We provide employment in a clean non-hazardous work space, while our occupation of the site upgrades and improves property values for the building owner.

Communities impacted by GreenWheel Gardens enjoy the positive experience of eating clean, healthy, wholesome and locally-grown garden produce. GreenWheel Gardens has created the mechanics to facilitate the cultivation of commercial scale controlled environment vegetable crops. We use state-of-the-art LED lighting systems. We have moved past the prototype stage of development and have created operational designs for our urban garden centers, formulated business and market plans, and obtained sales commitments from produce brokers.

Our business model is to scale to cover all the major metropolitan areas in the US. We have met our Seed Round funding milestone and raised $85,000 dollars and are preparing to offer shares to raise an additional $500,000 A Round to create a 20 Wheel System demonstration UGC (Urban Grow Center) which will fully vet our concept and then open a final round to raise 3,000,000 to 5,000,000 dollar in investment capital to launch operations nationwide. These monies raised provide all of our projected cost, including machinery, labor, start-up overhead, establish reasonable cash reserves, and I.P. research and contractual protection.

GreenWheel Gardens is a Nevada corporation based in California that creates urban grow centers throughout the United States to not only provide people with fresh and healthy produce, but also to offer economic solutions to the communities in which those people live.

GreenWheel Gardens Urban Farms, Inc 2015 gwgfoods.com
Always Do Some Good